Why Indi?

Harnessing the power of the collective

Indi was created by brokers for brokers. We understand the value of innovation and have always invested heavily in technology, marketing, tools and systems but that is only the beginning. We believe our true strength is our People. Indi is about collaboration. It is about building each other up, sharing ideas and helping one another achieve. At Indi it’s about good people. It’s about you.

At a Glance


No Long-Term Contracts

Long term contracts would give us permission not to deliver; open contracts ensure we continue to evolve and listen to what our brokers need and want. Refreshing, isn’t it?


Own Your Data

At Indi you own your data, client relationships and your book of business. We wouldn’t have it any other way.


Tools and Technology

We believe the best technology is the solution that works best for you so support all deal submission and CRM platforms available in the marketplace. Our payroll technology works seamlessly with all the deal origination systems in Canada, so you have the freedom to choose.


Bigger Splits. Better Splits. Earn More, Keep More.

Because of the amount and quality of volume we produce nationally you get paid more and retain more. You won’t believe how much income you’ve been missing out on!


Sales and Marketing

Full marketing department and support available. Custom websites, social media, print media, direct to consumer campaigns, drip marketing, email marketing and more all included at no additional cost.


Lender Access

Get access to a wider array of lenders and product options nationwide including Banks, Monolines, Specialty lenders, White label, B-lenders and Private.


Indi On Demand. Full Service Underwriting Desk

Underwriting and admin support services available to all agents. Use for lender access, deals in other provinces, vacation coverage, tough one-off deals or as an alternative to hiring a salaried assistant.


Training and Support

Scheduled weekly team training, lender education sessions and technology innovation sessions are available to you and your team.


Office Space

We have full furnished offices, board rooms and meeting rooms available in many of our locations across Canada.


The Indies

Collaborate with like-minded professionals at our mini-conference and symposium hosted in both the East and the West followed by the greatest mortgage awards night in Canada.


Indi Conference

Win your way on our annual conference hosted at tropical location. We offer In-depth education, unique speakers and collaborative training, balanced with an amazing networking opportunity for our agents and their partners. Make the top 15 list for volume or units and your ticket is on the house.

Indi On Demand

AOD (Indi On Demand) is a one stop, full service underwrhiting desk offering underwriting and admin support services to agents. Use for deals in other provinces, tough one-off deals or as an alternative to hiring a salaried assistant.

Proven Measurable Success

Indi has all the tools and systems you will need to grow your business year over year. Want to start building your book of business now? Indi will make it happen.